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Pinnacle Performance

Our unique approach to rehabilitation is different from most traditional physical therapy models. A licensed physical therapist will provide one-on-one services for the entire length of each appointment. During the initial consultation, you will receive a comprehensive neuromusculoskeletal evaluation, clinical diagnosis, and extensive information about your current condition. Your continued plan of care will be developed and implemented by a licensed physical therapist using appropriate Manual Therapy (hands-on) interventions, neuromuscular re-education, Intelligent Movement instruction, and on-going education about healing and prevention. We work with you to develop a customized treatment program using an effective combination of services to meet your specific needs. Our licensed physical therapists are formally trained in advanced skills through the North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT), and have committed themselves to extensive study in many areas of Manual Therapy and neuromuscular re-education. Pinnacle’s staff is committed to performing and developing research in these areas to prove effectiveness of our services. Our approach to fitness and health is unique in that it blends a variety of concepts that support the science of movement which is based in human anatomy, biomechanics, kinesiology, physiology, and neurology. We incorporate Polestar Education’s Pilates Principles, neuromuscular rehabilitation techniques, functional re-education theories, current evidenced-based scientific research findings, cardiovascular and resistance training methods, integrative medicine approaches, and an array of movement modalities that include: Pilates, GYROTONIC®, CoreAlign®, GYROKINESIS®, Yoga, TRX®, Kettlebell, and more. We use the term Intelligent Movement when referring to our unique style of neuromuscular re-education and training that supports whole body function. All of our instructors and physical therapists are trained through Polestar® Education and certified by the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA). They have extensive training in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, sports medicine, pathology, advanced manual therapies, complementary therapies, and a variety of movement interventions for use with both healthy and clinical populations. Our staff is well qualified to provide ongoing movement assessments and personalized Intelligent Movement instruction

Below is a list of our Instructors

Coming Soon!!!