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2017 TITLE:Pilates program design and health benefits for pregnant women: A practitioners' survey... CONCLUSION: The study highlighted wide variations in practice for Pilates exercises with pregnant woman as well as low adherence to clinical practice guidelines. Further evidence is required to advise on appropriate screening and individualized Pilates programming, particularly for women with medical conditions during pregnancy.

2017 A Comparison of the Effects of Pilates and McKenzie Training on Pain and General Health in Men with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial..... CONCLUSIONS: Pilates and McKenzie training reduced pain in patients with chronic low back pain, but the Pilates training was more effective to improve general health.

2016 Effectiveness of adding voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction to a Pilates exercise program: an assessor-masked randomized controlled trial....CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that adding a voluntary PFMC to a Pilates exercise program is more effective than Pilates alone in improving PFM strength in sedentary nulliparous women.

2016 Can a pilates exercise program be effective on balance, flexibility and muscle endurance? A randomized controlled trial.....CONCLUSIONS: An eight-week pilates training program has been found to have beneficial effect on static balance, flexibility, abdominal muscle endurance, abdominal and lumbar muscle activity. These parameters have no effect on balance.

2016 Comparative effectiveness of Pilates and yoga group exercise interventions for chronic mechanical neck pain: quasi-randomised parallel controlled study.....CONCLUSIONS: Pilates and yoga group exercise interventions with appropriate modifications and supervision were safe and equally effective for decreasing disability and pain compared with the control group for individuals with mild-to-moderate CNP. Physiotherapists may consider including these approaches in a plan of care.

2016 Comparison between static stretching and the Pilates method on the flexibility of older women.....CONCLUSION: For some body segments, Pilates may be more effective for improving flexibility in older women compared to static stretching.

2016 Clinical effectiveness of a Pilates treatment for forward head posture....CONCLUSION: The results suggest that pilates could be recommended as an appropriate exercise for treatment of FHP in sedentary individuals.

2017 TITLE:The effects of 12 weeks Pilates-inspired exercise training on functional performance in older women: A randomized clinical trial...CONCLUSION:Pilates-inspired exercises improved dynamic balance, lower-extremity strength and aerobic resistance in community-dwelling older women. Therefore, it may be a potentially effective exercise regimen to maintain physical fitness in old age.

2016 Comparison of the functionality of pelvic floor muscles in women who practice the Pilates method and sedentary women: a pilot study....CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the functionality of the PFM in younger women who practice the Pilates method is not different from that of sedentary women.

2015 Intra-abdominal pressure during Pilates: unlikely to cause pelvic floor harm....CONCLUSION: Our results support recommending this series of introductory Pilates exercises, including five Mat exercises and six Reformer exercises to women desiring a low IAP exercise routine. More research is needed to determine the long-term effects of Pilates exercise on post-surgical exercise rehabilitation and pelvic floor health.