The Benefits of Pilates for Mesothelioma Patients

Pilates exercise for Mesothelioma Cancer

The Benefits of Pilates for Mesothelioma Patients

Scientists advocate for consistent exercise among the general public because it has wide-reaching effects for every person regardless of age. Once a person is afflicted with an ailment, such as mesothelioma, exercise is usually the first activity to be cancelled out of the schedule. However, exercise is incredibly important for cancer patients. Whether a patient is currently in treatment or recovering, explore the benefits behind Pilates. This particular exercise can be a conduit towards a better life as patients fight off cancer.

Customized to Any Person

According to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Pilates is one of the most adaptable exercises around. It's full of controlled movements that use a person's body weight to generate resistance. Most workouts have a mixture of beginning, median and advanced movements. Patients start with beginning movements as they settle into the sessions. They continue with this level until it becomes too easy for them. Advancing to the next level happens at different rates for various patients. 

Patients shouldn't be discouraged if the beginning movements are continually difficult. The fact that any exercise is occurring allows the body to heal more efficiently than without the effort.

Gaining Range of Motion

exercise for cancer patients using PilatesMost cancer patients have gone through some form of surgery. Scar tissue and muscle realignment has caused the body to have a stiff posture. The Cancer Exercise Training Institute reports that exercise improves the body's range of motion. A study in which several breast cancer survivors participated in a 12-week Pilates program specifically proved that the exercises improved neck rotation, neck flexion, and internal shoulder rotation and abduction.

Pilates-based programs remain the gold standard because they involve a mixture of stretching and muscle strengthening. As the body moves into each position, the muscles, tendons and ligaments fall into healthy positions. Every stretch gives the patient a little bit more movement than before. This benefit alone reduces pain and frustration that often goes along with a cancer diagnosis.

Improved Stamina

The health benefits of a Pilates-based workout extends to a patient's stamina. It may be difficult to walk across the room without feeling fatigued. Although physical therapy addresses these issues, patients need another boost from an alternative source.

When patients perform these workouts, they're asked to perform slow or faster controlled movements for a certain amount of time. Five seconds leads to 20 seconds, which increases stamina on nearly every health level. Patients may be able to walk farther without much effort after only a few workouts. The stamina factor helps patients on both physical and mental levels.

A study that enrolled female cancer survivors led the women through several weeks of Pilates using the MVe Fitness Chair, which was easier for the participants than doing traditional exercises. The results showed that the chair combined with Pilates techniques helped the women see significant improvements in muscular endurance.

Relaxing the Thoracic Region

Mesothelioma patients have troubles with their breathing especially if a tumor is large enough to disturb the lungs. During treatment or recovery, a Pilates-based workout is optimal because it opens up the chest area. Stretches, controlled breathing and strengthening moves make breathing easier with each workout. 

Patients may find the movements slightly difficult at first. Calm movements with no high-impact pressures create conditions that are perfect for lung-cancer patients. Doctors might test the patients' lung capacity after several sessions with a Pilates-workout instructor. Improvements are almost always noticeable, which only encourages a healthy lifestyle moving forward.

Mental Aspects

Dealing with cancer is a mental challenge that extends well past the initial diagnosis. There are both good and bad days. Patients who can distract themselves from their ailments for only a few moments can use that time to their advantage. Pilates-based workouts can last between 20 and 60 minutes. Their customized nature gives patients a chance to take on as many challenges as possible. During the workout, patients concentrate on their precise movements instead of their diseases. Strengthening movements encourage good hormones to develop out of the patients' glands. The mental benefits emerge with good feelings and optimistic outlooks. These good feelings can last for several hours after a workout, which only improves quality of life.

If patients are interested in a Pilates-based workout, they should speak with their doctors first. These professionals can give the patients an "OK" to exercise within certain parameters. After only a few sessions, patients might find their minds and bodies changed for the better.